Felspar are of two popular kinds that are abundantly found in nature. The first is Potash Feldspar which is a potassium alumino silicate rock that occurs naturally in pegmatite masses. In the ceramic and glass industries, feldspar is used as a flux. It also gives the body more endurance. Feldspar is a very rare event of an ore that is absolutely free of mica. Clay and other exogenous matter are the most common contaminants, and they all appear as fine masses under a millimetre.

The second one is Soda Feldspar, which is a sodium-based Aluminium Silicate group. Feldspar is mostly used in the ceramic and glass industries. Tiles, Whiteware, and Sanitaryware are manufactured in tiny amounts. Feldspar is also used as a flux or cementing element in various monitoring films and prosthetic dentition, as well as Catalysts, Acid Resistant, and Decorative Stone.


  • Ceramic Products
  • Glass
Potassium Feldspar
XRF Verified
Si2o % 69.5 + 1.0 MBI mg g-1 -
Ai2o3 % 17.5 + 1.0 Sulphate ppm -
Fe2o3 % Max 0.10 pH   -
K2O % Min 11.0 Conductivity uS -
Na2O % 2.5 + 0.75 Soluble Salt ppm -
CaO % Max 0.5 MoR(extruded) Kg cm-2 -
MgO % 0.03 MoR(Dry)   -
LOi % <0.3 WABS % -
L* 75.0 + 3.0
    Colour a* -
b* -
Shrinkage % -


Partical Size Distribution by SediGraph Sleve Residue-wet Retention
<7um % - >125um % -
<5um % - >75um % -
<2um % - >45 um % -
<1um % - Cumulative>45 % -